Monday, April 6, 2009



A gloomy and dark future stares in the eyes of the millions upon millions of working people as the country is bracing itself for the 15th Lok Sabha polls. An all out crisis has engulfed their life sparing no sphere – be it economic, social, cultural, educational, health, etc. Recession is taking toll of millions of jobs throughout the country. In Karnataka in particular, huge number of jobs are lost due to closure of industrial units, lay offs, etc., in such varied sectors as IT, BPO, automobiles, garments, ancillary units, steel, cement, construction, mines, etc. As such widespread contractorisation of jobs coupled with galloping price rise of all essential commodities, has pushed the life of millions of workers to utter destitution. Less said the better about ruination faced by the peasants of the country, of whom already more than 182,000 have painfully embraced suicide as the last resort. Capitalists - imperialists are sparing no field for plunder and loot – whether it is drinking water, education, health, what not. Can anybody of sane mind deny that these are the outcome of the policies of capitalist globalization being pursued by all the governments conducted by major political parties and their combinations viz., BJP, Cong (I), NDA, UPA, etc.?

Sabotage of socialism and restoration of capitalism in erstwhile socialist countries including USSR (& later on in China), during the 1990s, emboldened the imperialist powers to resort to globalization – liberalisation - privatisation policies. Rulers of our country welcomed these as panacea for all evils and for building ‘PROSPEROUS INDIA’. The earlier NDA government trumpeted the INIDA SHINING campaign during the last Lok Sabha polls. It is a different matter that the people differed and voted that government out. Crisis under capitalism is inescapable as is clear from the global recession.

In a desperate attempt to extend the lease of life of dying capitalism, both the Congress led central government and the state BJP government are resorting to every ruse to drive a wedge in the unity of the people on the basis of caste, religion, region, language, etc. and on the other misdirect people’s wrath away from capitalism, the root cause of all evils.

It is quite unfortunate that when developing mighty united people’s movement was the only way out, the parties claiming to be leftist, viz., CPI (M), CPI, etc., not only did not take up this struggle but even resorted to butchering mass movement and killing peasants, from governmental power in Nandigram and Singur of West Bengal. That the militant heroic people of Bengal defeated the pro-Tata, pro-Salim policies of the government, mainly through the efforts of our Party the SUCI is history now. These very parties have thrown their lot with the so-called THIRD FRONT now, not with any aim to develop people’s movements but to emerge as another alternative of the ruling capitalist class competing with the NDA & UPA.

Under the circumstances, it is our Party the Socialist Unity Centre of India (SUCI) alone that is tirelessly and relentlessly keeping aloft the banner of mass struggles all over the country. In Karnataka our Party along with its frontals has led glorious struggles at state level as well as in various districts viz., Bellary, Gulbarga, Bangalore, Dharwar, Mysore, Raichur, to name a few. People recognize our party as the one with dedicated cadres ready to take up burning issues of their life- be it for drinking water, roads, irrigation, crop insurance, educational issues, atrocities on women, benefits for workers, regularization of jobs of contract workers, wage hike, against unemployment, against SEZs, etc.

As has been the consistent stand of the Party, in course of building such struggles whenever elections appear, our Party takes part in the same as a field of great ideological – political battle. The only assurance given by our Party to the electorate is that our candidates, if elected, would voice people’s demands on the floor of the parliament and hence strengthen the movements outside.

In the ensuing elections too, our Party is fielding candidates with this approach. The Party is fielding 40 candidates from 12 states for the parliamentary seats. In Karnataka, the State Committee is fielding the following candidates:

1. GULBARGA (SC) Mr. H.V.Diwakar
(Member, SUCI, Karnataka State
Committee & State Secretary of RKS)
2. RAICHUR (ST) Mr.K. Somashekar
(Member, SUCI, Gulbarga District Committee & Member,All India UTUC State Committee)
3. BELLARY (ST) Mr. A. Ramanjanappa
(Secretary, SUCI, Dharwar District Committee & State Secretary, AIDYO)
(Member, SUCI, Karnataka State Committee & State Convenor, AIDTO)
5. BANGALORE SOUTH Dr. H.G.Jayalakshmi
(Member, SUCI, Karnataka State Committee & All India General Secretary, AIMSS)

We call upon the people of the state, particularly of the above constituencies to make victorious SUCI candidates tempered in mass struggles to reflect the voice of people’s struggles on the floor of the parliament. In other constituencies, we urge upon the people to ensure crushing defeat to the BJP & the Cong (I), the two trusted parties of the ruling class.

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